Saturday, September 22, 2007

Are we called to be Firefighters?

Is America a burning house? Should we place our trust in something that is not honest or compassionate to concerns of its people? In the smoking gun era how can one feel comfortable in this "house". Some might say we need to let this house burn. I can agree in a sense but I think about the rest Harry Belafonte said after Farrakhan left " our children are in that house we must care about saving it". As parents we often want better for our children. We download, buy, and set parental guidelines or controls to block and to protect our children from material and/or other things that might be harmful to their development. In that same regard should we be concerned about the country in which our children will inherit. We should continue to fight and raise our voice for freedom and equality and challenge those in authority to be true representatives of the people who placed them in authority. I want a country as good as its promise, some might call me naive but I call myself optimistic. The bible tells us "Some trust in horses, Some trust in chariots, but as for me and my house we will trust in the lord". Therefore, I place my hope not in this country or this world for my better lively hood but rather I choose to trust the one who "began a good work in us and who shall continue that good work". The work in this country started over 400 years ago and now its our turn. Rev. Sharpton said it best Thursday in his address to protesters in Jena " we need to speak out to all the Jena situations in America". The instruments of change are us. Lets continue to strive and lets see if we can put this FIRE out.

Peace and Love

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.

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