Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Happy Birthday El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz (Malcolm X)

Malcolm X is to many times left out of history books. Malcolm like Martin wanted to see the progression of black people. He did not just fight for whites to accept blacks but rather blacks to start accepting themselves. The scriptures tells us "as a man thinketh so is he". If a man thinks he is a slave he will act like one but when that same man realizes and begins to think that he is a king he will command the respect due to him. Malcolm understood that, he knew had to preach the whole man, Mind, Body, and soul. What good is a soul with a messed up mind? Brother Minister Malcolm thank you for contribution for like Christ you came to your own and you own recieved you not. Let the memory of Malcolm burn in our minds and lets his teaching stir in our spirits to teach others.

Each one Teach One

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Prophet for Profits

So one of my brothers preached somewhere for a brother starting a new church who was running a conference to raise money for his church. I am not a bad guy. I can listen to anybody and receive some type of something from it. This service was filled with a lot of crazy things which included two offerings. Any way my brother preached and he was a little long winded but over all he did a good job. The highlight of my evening was after the service the pastor of the church plant/prophet approached me and said "I hear you are a critic". I was taken a back. He proceeded to say brother do you know your word backwards and forward? I laughed at him and say brother I do know good preaching and sound preaching and when I offer criticism it was asked of me and I think it is constructive. After all of this back and forth I dismissed him and left the church. Me and my home boys gathered at a restaurant where we talked about the service. My brother who preached informed me he wasn't paid and said the prophet said he will get it to him Friday(may 8th) He preached Wednesday (may6th). I offered to call the prophet and get the money back for him. He said no. Lets see if he is a man of his word. Of course as I expected he was not. I want to call him but I don't want to add any drama. This prophet is exactly the messiness that is wrong with ministry. People who try to cheat and steal their way to the top. So just wanted to vent. I will be blogging more often.

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